More Than You Know Page 17
“Oh, like Kelsey did with you in the living room?” I asked as my head started to pound and my stomach churn. “I don't feel so good.”
Tyler reached behind me at a table and grabbed a bottle of water. “Drink this.”
I grabbed it angrily out of his hands. “Don't tell me what to do.”
“Will you give me a chance to explain?”
I sipped my water. “Do I have a choice?”
He nodded. “Yeah you do. What's it going to be?”
We walked upstairs, his hand on the small of my back to help me since I felt as though I was going to trip and fall.
The hallway was a blur as we walked to his room, shutting the door behind us.
“Are you feeling better?”
I eyed him not wanting to change the subject but shook my head, unable to say anything in fear of losing the contents of my stomach.
“Bryn,” he said. “She means nothing. She was a mistake from a year ago that never seemed to go away,” he explained, kneeling down on the floor in front of me.
“We dated for a while, and yeah, I'm not going to lie, it was all about the physical shit. After everything that happened to me, I just wanted to go crazy, making up for the years I lost.”
I looked at him in confusion, not knowing what the fuck he was talking about.
“I broke everything off at the end of last year. I didn’t want anything to do with her after I heard of all the shit she did behind my back and what she did to get her way with others in the past.” He ran his hands through his hair and then rested them on top of mine. “I had no idea she was going to be here. I don't even know how she knew about the party.”
I looked down at my hands and sighed.
“She means nothing to me, Bryn. I promise. I know we aren't serious yet, and it would be easy for you to cut ties, but please don't. Please let me prove to you that I’m telling the truth.”
Looking him in the eyes, I felt as though he was telling the truth.
“Say something,” he pleaded.
I went to say that I believed him and that I wanted to start over but other things took precedence. “I think I’m going to be sick,” I said, standing up quickly and ran to his bathroom.
Leaning over the toilet, I let the shots I had forced down to come up.
I felt him behind me and he pulled my hair back.
Finally, it was over with and I was able to sit back. Tyler flushed the toilet and sat down next to me.
“I'm sorry,” I said as I wiped my mouth and took a sip from my water.
“Don't say sorry. I feel like shit. If you want me to take you home I will. I can completely understand if you don't want to see me right now.”
“No, and I'm sorry for not talking to you about this before freaking out. Let's just say, I’m lucky I lasted this long without getting sick.” I pulled my hair up into a ponytail. “Ugh I hate that you had to see that.”
He grabbed my hand. “I hate that you had to see Kelsey.”
I looked at him seriously. “If you want to move past this, how about we never say her name again?”
He smiled. “Deal.” And he kissed my head.
I didn't feel like going back down to the party so Tyler left me alone to shower and sober up and get the sweat and leftover makeup off my face.
I grabbed a towel from under the cabinet and stripped down outside of the bathtub. Stepping into the tub, I turned the faucet on and felt the warm water cascade down my back.
Sighing, I hated myself for letting myself get that way; I couldn't believe I had thrown up in front of him. Turning the water off, I shuddered at the cold air that hit me as I wrapped my towel around my body.
Worried I would have to walk out into his bedroom with only a towel on, I was shocked to find a pair of shorts and a Henley sitting on the sink ready for me to change into.
Once I was changed, I walked out almost running into Tyler.
“Everyone is clearing out. It's just close friends of Jason and Eva. Miles and Charlotte are already in bed,” he explained. “I was thinking since everyone is kind of pairing off for the night that you might want to stay with me tonight, here?” Tyler asked me, touching my arm as he spoke. “Bryn, I'm really sorry about tonight...”
“Tyler?” I asked.
“Shut up.”
He nodded as I suddenly got a fire in the pit of my stomach as I crashed into him, my lips moving against his fast and needing. What was it about his bathroom that turned every situation into sexy time?
Jealousy had been replaced with passion. Tyler wrapped his arms around my waist and backed me up against the wall, his fingers grazing my skin above my shorts.
He guided me back into his room, only breaking contact when he walked to his door and locking it. He came back over and brushed his fingers through my hair, gripping the back of my neck as his lips crushed against mine and I felt my back touch the door as he grasped my wrists and pulled them above my head. I rolled my hips into him, the thin material of my shorts allowing me to feel him. All of him.
His lips trailed down my neck as his hands skimmed my sides, and shivers shot through me as his fingertips traced the hem on my shorts.
We were a tangle of limbs once we hit the bed; a mixture of moans and sighs, touches and grips. My hands traced the muscles of his back as they strained and relaxed above me, and I nipped his bottom lip with my teeth, eliciting a very delicious groan from him.
I felt an unspoken power…it was amazing to me that his reactions and noises were because of my actions.
I kissed along his jaw, the unshaven stubble scratching my lips, and suddenly I was panting, aching for more. I wrapped my legs around his hips, and pushed my body into his, wanting to feel more friction as my hands slid up his back, under his shirt. I pulled them back down and around his stomach, and stopped myself when I felt the top of his boxers.
I brought my hands up immediately, not wanting to push him too far, and wrapped my hands around his neck, crushing him to me. I wanted to feel him…all of him, and as I did, he couldn't have felt more amazing.
“Bryn, do you have any idea what kind of effect you have on me?” he asked, kissing me in-between his words.
I squirmed underneath him and grinned. “I think that I have some sort of an idea,” I said softly as we looked into each other's eyes.
“I want you to feel what you do to me,” he said, firmly, staring at me, waiting for my reaction. I kissed him again, our tongues teasing each other as my hands danced down his chest and stomach. I could feel his breath shallow in anticipation, and my hands were shaking as I reached the top of his pants. I grasped him lightly through the material, our breaths hitched at the same time, and he moaned my name as I pressed my hand into him even more.
I pulled my hand away and kissed his neck, shocked that I still had some sort of self control. He looked at me with intense lust and love in his eyes and moved a piece of hair away from my face.
“Can I touch you?” he asked softly and hesitantly. I thought about his words and what they meant. They could mean a million things, and I wanted all of them.
I nodded, surrendering myself to him.
I shut my eyes as I felt his fingers grazing my stomach, up to the side of my breast.
“No bra?” he asked, pausing before continuing his movements as I shook my head at him.
“Nope,” I answered with a smirk as I felt the material sliding farther up my chest. I felt his hot breath on my skin as his kisses brushed along my stomach. My nipples tightened in response, both from the contrast of temperature and his actions. My fingers gripped the sheets as his lips skimmed the underside of my breast.
I felt his fingers tug on my left nipple as his lips closed around my right, and my breath staggered, the feeling so great…so unexpected. “Oh fuck…” I moaned, as he increased his movements and I gripped the hem of his shirt wanting to feel his skin against mine as I let go.
Eva was acting like a bitch.
I say that in the nicest way possible, but it's true. The wedding was still a whole week away yet she was acting like it was going to happen tomorrow. Eva, disappointed with this wedding planning process, came up with something that could go wrong every other day.
On Monday she swore the dresses wouldn't be in on time.
On Thursday she was worried that the weather forecast would for once be right and it would rain all day.
On Saturday she was freaking out that the flowers wouldn't arrive on time.
Her worries and her annoyances went on and on.
But tonight was the night to let go; it was finally her bachelorette party.
Last night had been the rehearsal dinner since Eva’s dad had a business meeting in Atlanta this morning. Even though it was extremely untraditional, this way was more interesting.
I let myself in at the Wilsons’ house and followed the sound of voices coming from the kitchen to find Charlotte, Tyler and Jason sitting around the island; the boys drinking beers.
“Hey boyfriend,” I said, putting my things down on the counter and kissing Tyler on the lips. I licked tasting the beer.
“Hey, girlfriend, taste good?”
I winked. “Always. So, Ashton is meeting you guys here?” I asked Tyler.
He nodded and took another drink of his beer. “Yeah, he couldn’t get off work until ten-thirty. So by the time we can get out of here, you guys will already be at the second bar.”
The plan was for the girls to go to a wine bar for a couple of hours, and then the car would take us to the bar where we would all meet at. It was a fun way to celebrate one last time before the wedding.
“Know that if there are any strippers involved, I will hurt you,” Eva said coming into the kitchen. She grabbed her cell phone, putting it in her clutch. “I will make sure that there will never be a chance for you to have sex with anyone ever again,” she added before Jason could respond.
Looking at her face, she was definitely joking. However, a part of me hoped for Jason’s sake he doesn’t do anything stupid. I certainly wouldn't want to be him when she found out if he did.
“You know you can't have any strippers either though,” he smirked. “It goes both ways.”
She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, yeah, I know.” She put her arms around him. “Now kiss your bride-to-be so we can get the hell out of here.”
Jason smiled and kissed her gently, slapping her ass as she walked away. “Love you, babe.”
“All right, ladies,” Charlotte said. “Let's go. We have reservations at The Wine Cellar at eight-thirty.”
Tyler kissed my cheek. “Have fun babe, see you soon.”
I followed the girls outside and into the limo we had hired for the night.
“I’ve been waiting for this night ever since I got engaged,” Eva said, pouring champagne into glasses that had been waiting for us.
Charlotte and I looked at each other grinning as Eva took a sip of her champagne.
“And of course my wedding day.”
We laughed and the limo pulled away from the house and down the street.
“Think this opens?” I asked, looking up at the roof’s window.
Eva and Charlotte looked around, playing with the buttons. After turning on the very loud radio and accidently opening every window around us, we finally found the button for the sun roof.
Charlotte took Eva’s drink as we watched her stand up and pop out the opening.
Tonight was going to be amazing.
After we had spent a good hour and a half wine tasting and getting slightly tipsy, we were ready to meet the guys at Moon River Brewery.
“Looks haunted.”
Eva nodded and smiled, adjusting her “bride-to- be” crown on her head. She had insisted on wearing it all night long. “It is, just trust me on this.”
Charlotte’s eyes widened and we climbed out of the limo. We walked inside, scanning the room for the guys. When we spotted them I could tell something was off.
I eyed Tyler who nodded his head to the bathrooms and I followed him.
“Everything okay?” I asked, curious as to what was going on.
“Ashton’s a dick,” Tyler said. “The fucker had off work the whole night and showed up with a stripper right after you guys left. Jason was pissed!”
“Eva’s going to flip, you know that right?”
He nodded. “She didn’t have time to do anything because Jason asked her to leave.”
Not to make this about me but I was secretly relieved that the stripper didn’t do anything. My boyfriend had been there too.
“That’s good. Well maybe this will all blow over and she’ll never have to find out.”
“Let’s get back over there before they start wondering what we’re doing,” Tyler said, his hand on the small of my back leading me back to our friends.
“Maybe we should give them something to wonder about then,” I hinted.
“Don’t tempt me, Woods.”
We weren't there even an hour and Eva was already drunk.
“Brynnn. Can you get me another one of whatever this is?” she asked, handing me an empty glass.
Not quite sure how to guess what drink she had, I walked up to the bar anyway and ordered something fruity. I handed the bartended a few dollars when he waved it away.
“Nah, it's on the house, gorgeous,” he said, winking at me.
I smiled at him and returned to Charlotte and Eva.
“Thanks, Bryn!” She slurred. “Hey! Let’s take a picture. We can use Jason’s phone.” She picked up the phone and angled it to take a photo.
We smiled and waited for the flash and she pulled it back, looking at the screen. “Hold on, let me send it to myself so I have it.”
I went to return to Tyler when I heard Eva, quite loudly.
“That motherfucker!” she exclaimed.
“What's the matter?” Charlotte asked as we tried to figure out what she was so mad about.
She was holding Jason’s phone with a very sour look on her face.
Charlotte grabbed her phone and her eyes widened. I looked over her shoulder to see a photo of Jason with a woman’s ass in his face. Someone must have taken this before the stripper was thrown out.
“Let's go!" Eva said, slamming her drink on the bar.
I tried to get Tyler’s attention but was unable to before Eva grabbed our arms and started for the door.
“Eva, don't you think we should just stay here, let Jason explain himself? Tyler said…”
She gave us a look and turned around. “I don’t care what Tyler said. I know what I saw.”
We followed her out to the car, Eva not very patient as we all climbed in. “Take us to the house; they'll be coming back there.”
“How do you know that?” Charlotte asked.
“‘Cause I'm about to call that asshole and tell him to meet me there," she said, phone in one hand and a bottle of water in the other. We had made sure there was plenty of water in the car for the ride home. Last thing we needed was a hung-over bride stumbling down the aisle.
I texted Tyler quickly while Eva was on the phone. Eva found a picture. I didn’t have a chance to find you before we left.
My phone surprisingly beeped seconds later.
Jay is on the phone now with her. We’ll meet you at the house. Sorry, babe.
We heard Jason come on the other end of the line, “Eva, baby…”
I turned around in my seat quickly to see Eva all business on the phone.
It didn't sound like Jason had a chance to respond before she continued. “You better get your ass back to the house, Jay. I'm on my way now.” She shut the phone and put her hand to her forehead. “This is a fucking nightmare.”
“Oh, Eva,” I said. “They had no idea there was going to be one. It was Ashton’s fault. I’m going to kill him.”
st drive,” Eva yelled at the driver.
The limo driver didn’t even have a chance to put the car into park before Eva was out the door and running up to the house. The guys pulled into the drive next to us five minutes later and Jason sprinted inside.
Charlotte and I climbed out and walked over to our boyfriends.
“She won’t even listen to what we have to say,” Charlotte said as Miles wrapped his arms around her.
“Isn’t she overreacting a little?” I asked, not quite sure why she had freaked out without hearing the whole story.
Charlotte shook her head in confusion. “That’s Eva for you. She’s just going off of what she saw.”
The front door opened and a tear streaked Eva came out and climbed into the car. “Can we go now?”
“Sure, Eva,” I said, looking at Charlotte timidly who nodded. I quickly kissed Tyler on the cheek before heading into the car.
We arrived back to my house and immediately went upstairs, ignoring Eva's wedding dress that was hanging in my living room. We had decided earlier that morning to have everything ready and set up for tomorrow so that when she woke up we wouldn't have to worry about moving everything here.
“I just want to go to bed,” Eva said.
“Of course. I set up the couch earlier if you want. Charlotte and I can take my room or whoever wants it is fine.”
Eva shook her head and took off her cardigan. “I want to sleep down here.” She looked at us. “Alone,” she added.
I went over and gave her a hug. “Come and get us if you need anything.”
She nodded. “Thanks.”
Charlotte and I walked upstairs and changed in silence.
“This isn't good,” Charlotte said as she climbed into the makeshift bed I had put together on the floor.
I nodded in agreement as I shut off my light and pulled the covers up. “I hope everything works out.”
Charlotte didn't say anything, and before I could come up with something to say, I felt my eyes become heavy and soon I had fallen into a deep sleep.
I was jolted awake at the sound of my bedroom door slamming shut. Sitting up and squinting at my clock, I groaned as I saw it was five in the morning.